CERPP Conference 2021: Making Equity Real
The global pandemic and Black Lives Matter have dramatically exposed inequities in our current systems. What now, then, is the action agenda for equity? Four incisive and interactive sessions addressed the most critical issues of the day in admissions and enrollment management.
Close to 130 conference participants took away deeper understandings and action plans to build equitable solutions on campus.
Conference 2021
Access the presentation slides through the links below.
Speaker: DeAngela Burns-Wallace, EdD
The first step is recognizing structures and barriers that privilege some and hinder others. The next step is dismantling those structures and rebuilding inclusively.
Session 2. Building, protecting and defending racial and ethnic diversity in enrollments
Speaker: Arthur Coleman, JD
Harvard, UNC, Yale, and UT-Austin are defending their race-aware policies with a new Supreme Court looming. How to stay strong and sustainable in pursuit of diversity.
Session 3: The test is dead; long live the test
Speaker: Philip Ballinger, PhD
Is high stakes testing on its last legs? What will replace it? Is the future of assessment in diagnostics, academic improvement and placement?
Session 4: Beyond Pell: A new program to promote social mobility
Speakers: Emily Chung, EdD; Don Hossler, PhD, Jerry Lucido, PhD and Robert Massa, PhD
CERPP 2020 called for renewed dedication to social mobility in higher education. CERPP 2021 now presents and invites your comments on a new policy proposal, developed with a Joyce Foundation grant, to place institutions and the federal government in partnership to do so.
Day 1: February 9
Session 1: Seeing and defeating the structures of racism in admissions and enrollment managementSpeaker: DeAngela Burns-Wallace, EdD
The first step is recognizing structures and barriers that privilege some and hinder others. The next step is dismantling those structures and rebuilding inclusively.
Session 2. Building, protecting and defending racial and ethnic diversity in enrollments
Speaker: Arthur Coleman, JD
Harvard, UNC, Yale, and UT-Austin are defending their race-aware policies with a new Supreme Court looming. How to stay strong and sustainable in pursuit of diversity.
Day 2: February 10
Session 3: The test is dead; long live the test
Speaker: Philip Ballinger, PhD
Is high stakes testing on its last legs? What will replace it? Is the future of assessment in diagnostics, academic improvement and placement?
Session 4: Beyond Pell: A new program to promote social mobility
Speakers: Emily Chung, EdD; Don Hossler, PhD, Jerry Lucido, PhD and Robert Massa, PhD
CERPP 2020 called for renewed dedication to social mobility in higher education. CERPP 2021 now presents and invites your comments on a new policy proposal, developed with a Joyce Foundation grant, to place institutions and the federal government in partnership to do so.
Philip Ballinger
Faculty, University of Washington; USC
Philip Ballinger is the recently retired Associate Vice Provost for Enrollment at the University of Washington in Seattle. He has over 30 years of university admissions and enrollment experience at both public and private universities. Broadly published and a frequent presenter on admissions and enrollment-related topics, he chaired a national commission investigating recruitment and enrollment practices for international students; led or served on other national commissions and committees studying standardized tests, advanced placement curriculum, and issues of access; and has helped promote the use of socio-economic data in holistic review admission processes. He served as a trustee of the College Board and as Chair of the Counseling and Admissions Assembly Council. He is a member of the Cambridge University International Examinations Advisory Board for the US. Philip was born in France, raised in Alaska, and educated in Washington, Kentucky, and Belgium. He holds a doctoral degree in theology and religious studies from Louvain (Belgium), and is a faculty member for the Comparative Religion department at the University of Washington and the Enrollment Management and Policy graduate program at USC. In addition to teaching, Philip continues enrollment-related project and consultation work for the UW and other institutions of higher education.
Emily Chung
Associate Director, USC Center for Enrollment Research, Policy and Practice
Dr. Chung is the Associate Director for the USC Center for Enrollment Research, Policy and Practice at the University of Southern California. Having joined the Center in July 2011, Dr. Chung oversees administrative operations, develops and conducts research and curricular projects to further the Center’s mission, fundraises, manages events and public relations, and supervises research and administrative staff. Previously Dr. Chung was an Associate Program Officer at the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership in New York, where she managed and evaluated a large grant portfolio, initiated educational outreach and international exchange activities, conducted research, managed roundtables, seminars, and workshops, and helped implement a public relations strategy. Her work at the Foundation was preceded by her work as Development Associate at Urban Solutions, in San Francisco, where she secured grants and established foundation relations in support of community development programs in the city. Emily earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin, a master’s at Yale University, and completed Ph.D. coursework at the University of Chicago. Most recently, she completed her doctoral degree at the USC Rossier School of Education, specializing in higher education administration. Her dissertation examined the relationship between debt attitudes and graduate student loan debt.
Arthur Coleman
Managing Partner, EducationCounsel
Arthur Coleman is a national leader on issues regarding the educational benefits of diversity, with a particular focus on the ways institutions may consider race, ethnicity, gender and other factors in their admissions, aid and outreach strategies as well as on issues associated with testing and test use. His areas of expertise also include issues affecting the intersection of K-12 and higher education, with a focus on policy and legal issues affecting higher education enrollment decisions.Don Hossler
Faculty, USC; Provost Professor Emeritus, Indiana University Bloomington
Dr. Hossler has authored or co-authored 23 books and scholarly reports and more than 100 articles and book chapters and about 200 paper presentations on enrollment management. He has also served as vice chancellor for student enrollment services at Indiana University, Bloomington and is the founding director of the Research Center at the National Student Clearinghouse. He has received awards for his research from the American College Personnel Association, the Association for Institutional Research and the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators.
Jerry Lucido
Executive Director, USC CERPP; Professor of Practice, USC
Dr. Lucido’s areas of expertise include college admissions, higher education access and enrollment management. He has played a leading role at the national level in initiatives to improve access for low-income and underrepresented students and to design and execute effective and principled college admission and enrollment management practices. He has also been the chair and a national presenter for the College Board’s Task Force on Admissions in the 21st Century; the Vice Chair of the Commission on Access, Admission, and Success in Higher Education; and a member of the Low Income Task Force. As executive director of the USC Rossier Center for Enrollment Research. Policy and Practice, he oversees the only independent research center in the United States serving admissions and enrollment specialists.Robert Massa
Faculty, USC; Vice President Emeritus, Enrollment & College Relations, Dickinson College
Professor Massa served in admissions, financial aid, marketing and enrollment management for 45 years. He is often cited in the Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed, has published widely in the field of college admissions and enrollment management, and has been active as an instructor and journal editor in national organizations for admissions and financial aid professionals. He was formerly the chief enrollment officer at Johns Hopkins University, Dickinson College and Drew University and the chief marketing officer at Lafayette College.
AACU's Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence: A campus guide for self-study and planning
Burns-Wallace Handout for Session 1 Burns-Wallace CERPP Conf Session 1 Handout
Burns-Wallace Handout for Session 1 Burns-Wallace CERPP Conf Session 1 Handout
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